We are fortunate to live in a place where you can see orca from shore, if you are out walking on the coast regularly and you're lucky. The most commonly observed group in our area are whales in J, K or L pods - pods that make up what is referred to as the southern resident population (approximately 90 whales). Orcas (Orcinus orcas) are the largest member of the dolphin family, feed primarily on salmon in our area, and are an endangered species.
My focus for this picutre was the chop on the ocean as much as it was the whale. I love the ocean.
My focus for this picutre was the chop on the ocean as much as it was the whale. I love the ocean.
Close up

I have included a close-up of the whale and water to show the dots and the density of those dots in this drawing. Because the wildlife drawings are so large it takes an enormous amount of time to finish them. I worked on this drawing over a period of months.
Sold at The TD Art Gallery Paint In 2019