The great blue heron can be found fishing the shallows in many of the inlets along the coast. A common bird here and one I never get tired of watching. This bird was fishing the shallows near our home and did not take kindly to my insistence on taking pictures. It moved a little way down the shore and settled in again. This illustration shows the bird's wings fully extended but it hasn't quite left the water which gives you a full reflection of the bird in the water just before take off.
Appearance - Metchosin Art Gallery 2013 - Wild Arc Fair Fauna Show
Close up

The smaller the nib on the rapidograph you use, the more detail you can bring to the drawing, the longer it takes to complete it. Over the past five years I have gradually reduced the size of the nib that I use to do this work and because of the time it takes to complete a drawing I've shifted from large 11" x 16" surfaces to 8" x 10", except for the wildlife illustrations that I do.
Cost: 200.00